Friday, 19 August 2011

Important Dates


The NFL Regular Season is quickly approaching with the first game scheduled to be played on Thursday September the 8th.  Obviously, we need to have our draft before then.

I'm not sure what everyone's plans are for the Labour Day weekend, but I would like to suggest that we meet up on the Sunday night (that's September 4th) - that way we are as close to the season as possible and we will have the most up-to-date information on players as we can.  Everyone should also be off on the Monday which means we all have a recovery day.  If the Sunday doesn't work, I would suggest pretty much any day from Thursday September 1 through Sunday September 4.  Please post comments below.

In regards to keepers, please submit your 4 keepers to me in private by no later than next Friday, August 26th.  That is one week today and should give everyone enough time to develop their draft plan heading into Labour day weekend.


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